A lovely couple that gave warmth to this chilly winter season
#キャンピングカー #キャンピングカーレンタル
For the past few months, we have been doing a photo contest where our customers can join and if chosen will have the chance to win a cash back worth 48 hours of rental fee. For the month of December, we chose a lovely couple from Okinawa who used our camper van for 10 days.
Last December, there were a lot customers who joined the photo contest but this couple’s photo was the one that stood out. Again we would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mckinnon for their usage of our camper van!
Please do take a look at the photos they have sent to us during their trip. For your next trip, please do not hesitate to contact us! Who knows you might be our next “Photo contest” winner these coming months!